What are your sewing room must haves? Here is our list of products that you definitely need in your workroom to assist with any sewing project. 


Beeswax is one of those things you didn't realise you needed until you have it and then can't live without it!

Pin Magnet

Pin magnets make picking up those loose and lost pins easy... just wave the magnet across your sewing bench or floor and the pins attach themselves to it!

Thread Clips

If we had to pick one pair of scissors you can't live with out it would be thread clips. These smaller snips are the perfect size to fit snugly into your hand to quickly trim off any loose threads!


It's always recommended to note any changes you make as you go, whether its a change to a pattern, a new technique you've learnt or just to jot down a brainwave. This durable oilskin A5 book is your perfect companion.

Self-Threading Needles

Needles are a must for any hand sewing, and these ones in particular are perfect! They are easy-thread so you don't need to strain your eyes when putting the thread through the loop.

Sharp Pins

Sharp pins = happy sewing. To avoid snagging, creating pulls in fine fabric, and large pin holes use clean sharp pins... it's a no brainer.

Needle Threader

No more squinting your eyes when threading a needle. Just get one of these pronto!

Paper Scissors

Fabric scissors are for fabric only. Paper scissors are for paper only. This is very important! Make sure you can tell the difference between the two!

Black Lining

It's always handy having a good quality black lining on-hand at all times. Black goes with everything so having it around can help avoid any last minute trips to the store or late night "Oh I forgot to get lining" thoughts before a project is due to be finished!


To begin any project you need fabric! Keep your scraps too these can be handy to have around for many small uses - patches, pockets, lining waistbands, straps etc...

Sewing Gauge

Another handy tool to make life easier! It has many uses but we find it best for keeping an even hem.

Range of Interlinings

Interlining/fusing is the invisible framework of a garment. It is essential in stabilising any fabric around high stress areas, so having a variety of weights and types available is very handy.


Chalk washes off easily so wont leave permanent marks on your fabric. It's essential for marking our patterns, marking notches and darts.

1m Ruler

A nice long 1m ruler is ideal for pattern making, but also handy to help keep you fabric lying flat when marking and laying your pattern up - just lightly run the ruler along to smooth out bumps and ripples.


You need an iron on hand at all times! Using a iron frequently, between every step of sewing sometimes, helps you to keep your eye on things and keep everything looking crisp and professional.

Ironing Sleeve Board

This handy custom built ironing board is perfect for when needing to iron into smaller sections - sleeves, curves, shoulder seams, pocket corners etc

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